Wednesday 28 October 2015

220. Tips for best selfie!

1. Shoot from above.

If you learned anything about MySpace photo angles, it should be that shooting from above is super flattering. 

2. Make sure your hair looks shiny.

Use a shine spray or serum to keep it shiny.

3. Instead of saying "cheese," think of something that's actually funny.

You'll look genuinely happy when you smile. 

4. Think about your angles.

Straight on shots aren't always the most flattering, so play with angles to figure out what works for you. Try a shot where you face is turned 3/4 away from the camera. 

5. Make sure your foundation matches your skin tone.

The harsh flash of the camera will definitely pick up mismatched foundation.

6. For the perfect shot, stand up against a white wall.

This will help you camera's settings pick up the right color balance. So, you won't look too yellow or pink.

7. Find your perfect red.

Wear your favorite shade of red lipstick. It'll make your features pop and you'll feel confident. 

8. Make your eyes pop.

A quick curl of the lashes and a swipe of mascara will draw attention to your eyes. 

9. Settle into a pose that feels natural for you.

Anything else could look awkward or forced.

10. Stay away from direct sunlight.

Standing in direct light will add weird shadows to your face.

11. Elongate your neck and jut out your chin to avoid the appearance of a double chin.

This trick will elongate your frame and make you look taller. 

12. Fill in your eyebrows.

Under harsh light, sparse brows can get washed out. Add some staying power to your brows with a few coats of brow gel.

13. Use eye drops to make your eyes look clear and bright.

14. Practice!

Take photos of yourself and spend some time figuring out what your best angles are. 

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