Monday, 17 August 2015

79. Happy Animal Facts That Will Make You Smile(part 3)

21. A cat version of the corgi exits: the munchkin cat.

22. There is a program that makes prison inmates responsible for training and raising seeing-eye dogs. Many reported that they felt like they were making amends for their past actions by working with the puppies.

23. Seahorses mate for life, and when they travel they hold each others’ tails.

24. Before chicks hatch, they can communicate with each other and their mother through a system of sounds.

25. Dogs’ nose prints are as unique as human fingerprints and can be used to identify them.

26. Turritopsis nutricula Immortal jellyfish is the only species known to live forever.

27. Long-time bird watcher and nature writer Candace Savage has observed that crows are so intelligent they can play pranks on each other.

28. Butterflies taste with their feet.

29. There have been studies that show that goats, like us, have accents.

30. Squirrels will adopt other squirrels babies if they are abandoned.

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