Thursday 25 February 2016

231. This Is The Reason Why There Are Bumps On F And J Keys

It's amazing how long we can use something before we notice all its little details. It makes sense, though. As long as we know what we need to do with something, we often don't have time to worry about anything else.
Plus, these details are usually small enough that we can safely and easily ignore them. But once we do find out about them, it can be like unlocking one of life's little cheat codes.
And that's exactly what we're out to show you. A helpful little detail about something you probably use every day.
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Right now, there's a good chance you're using a keyboard.

After all, it's the fastest and easiest way to get what you want to say out into the world.

And over the years, there have been more and more keyboards to choose from.

But if you look hard enough, there's one thing they all have in common.

The F and J keys always have small bumps.

We use our keyboards day in and day out, but not everyone knows just why they're there.

But to find a keyboard without them, you have to go back about 15 years.

So obviously those bumps were important enough to keep for all of these years. But what are they for?
But to find a keyboard without them, you have to go back about 15 years.
via webwit / Overclock

They're actually a handy way to help you type faster.

If you put your index fingers on each bump, you'll see that your hands are now in the perfect home row position.
They're actually a handy way to help you type faster.
via The Sun Getty Images

You may have noticed that professional typists never look at their keys.

That's because it's faster not to and these little bumps let them get a feel for where their hands are supposed to be.
You may have noticed that professional typists never look at their keys.
via The Sun Getty Images

It's a simple enough detail, but it wasn't invented until 2002.

So let's all thank June E. Botich for making typing easier for all of us. 
It's a simple enough detail, but it wasn't invented until 2002.
via Facebook / Aunty Acid

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