The Indian Armed Forces, consisting of the Indian Army, the Indian Air Force, the Indian Navy and the Indian Coast Guard are India’s shield and sword, which keep our interests safe, our enemies at bay and the people of our country secure and free. They are respected and adored for their valor and sense of duty by the entire country. Many of us would know about their triumphs and stellar contributions to civilian life. But here are a few facts which will increase your respect for the Indian military ten-fold.
1. India controls the highest battlefield in the world, the Siachen glacier, at 5000 metres above Mean Sea Level (MSL).
2. India has the biggest "voluntary" army in the world.
All serving and reserve personnel have actually “opted” for service. There is a provision for conscription (forced recruitment) in the constitution, but it has never been used.
3. Indian soldiers are considered among the very best in high altitude and mountain warfare.
The Indian army’s High Altitude Warfare School (HAWS) is one of the most elite military training centers in the world and is frequented by Special Ops teams from the U.S, U.K & Russia. U.S Special Forces trained at HAWS before their deployment during the invasion of Afghanistan.
4. India covertly tested its nuclear arsenal in the early 1970s and late 1990s without the CIA even knowing what was happening.
Till date, it is considered to be one of the CIA’s biggest failures in espionage and detection.
5. Unlike other government organisations and institutions in India, there are no provisions for reservations based on caste or religion.
Soldiers are recruited based on their overall merit and fitness based on stringent tests and trials. And once a citizen of India joins the forces, he/she becomes a soldier. Nothing else. Nothing more.
6. In the Battle of Longewala, on which the famous Bollywood movie “Border” is based, there were only two casualties on the Indian side.
The Battle of Longewala was fought in December 1971 between India and Pakistan, in which just 120 Indian Soldiers with 1 jeep mounted M40 recoilless rifle held the fort against 2000 Pakistani soldiers backed by 45 tanks and 1 mobile infantry brigade. Despite being heavily out-numbered, the Indian soldiers held their ground throughout the night and with the help of the Air Force, were able to completely rout the aggressors.
7. Operation Rahat (2013) was one of the biggest civilian rescue operations ever carried out in the world.
It was carried out by the Indian Air Force to evacuate civilians affected by the floods in Uttarakhand in 2013. It was the biggest civilian rescue operations in the world carried out by any Air Force using helicopters. During the first phase of the operation from 17 June 2013, the IAF airlifted a total of about 20,000 people; flying a total of 2,140 sorties and dropping a total of 3,82,400 kg of relief material and equipment.
8. The Ezhimala Naval Academy in Kerala is the largest of its kind in Asia.
9. The Indian army has a horsed cavalry regiment. It is among one of the last 3 such regiments in the world.
10. The Indian Air Force has an out-station base in Tajikistan and is seeking another in Afghanistan.
11. The Indian Army built the highest bridge in the world.
The Bailey Bridge is the highest bridge in the world. It is located in the Ladakh valley between Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayan mountains. It was built by the Indian Army in August 1982.
12. The Military Engineering Services (MES) is one of the biggest construction agencies in India.
The MES and Border Roads Organisation (BRO) are together responsible for the construction and maintenance of some of the most awesome roads and bridges ever to have been built. To name a few, the Khardungla Pass (the highest motorable road in the world), the Magnetic Hill in Leh, etc.
13. The Indo Pakistan War of 1971 came to end with the surrender of about 93,000 combatants and officials of the Pakistani Army.
This is the largest number of POWs taken into custody since World War II. The war resulted in the creation of the independent state of Bangladesh.
14. Many popular celebrities are often awarded honorary ranks in the armed forces.
While Sachin Tendulkar has been granted the rank of Honorary Group captain in the I.A.F, M.S Dhoni is an Honorary Lt Col in the Indian Army.
Thanks to the men and women of the Indian Armed Forces, we are able to live our lives with freedom and great peace of mind. We thank them with all our heart.
We owe so much to the Indian Army. They are the reason we sleep peacefully at night, a perfect example of bravery. But there's still so much we don't know about our men of steel. Take a look and educate yourself.
1. The Indian Army was formed in 1776, under the government of the East India Company in Kolkata.
2. The Indian Army has about 53 cantonments and 9 army bases, spread across India.
3. The Siachen Glacier, 5000 metres above sea level, is the highest battlefield in the world. And the Indian Army controls it.
4. The Indian Army is the biggest voluntary army in the world. To think that we have the maximum number of willing soldiers in the world is a matter of great pride.
5. The Military Engineering Services (MES) is one of the biggest construction agencies in India.
6. The Indian Army has a cavalry regiment. There are only 3 such regiments in the world.
7. Assam rifles, the oldest paramilitary force in India, was formed in 1835.
8. The Indian Army is one of the biggest troop contributors to the United Nations peace making operations.
9. The Baily Bridge is the highest bridge in the world, located in the Ladakh valley between the Dras and Suru rivers in the Himalayas. It was constructed by the Indian Army in 1982.
10. The President's bodyguard is the oldest armoured regiment of the Indian Army. It was established in 1773, and is currently based in the Rashtrapati Bhavan, New Delhi.
11. Soldiers of the Indian Army are considered among the best in jungle warfare. The Counter-insurgency and Jungle Warfare School is often visited by forces from the US, the UK, and Russia among others.
Mukesh Ambani has launched Reliance Jio services . Jio is the game
changer, it offer the lowest data and voice rates in the world. This is
really gonna be a new revolution, helping India to connect much faster
and cheaper, and a great competition in the world of telecom industry.
As you all konw they offer,
1. Free Calls
2. Free Surfing at Nights (Only from 2 a.m to 5 a.m)
So, here are the remaining 8 Facts about Reliance Jio
Before that I’d like to thank Kshitij Salgunan for his wonderful answer in Quora
1. Jio has the Largest fiber optic network in India
Jio has laid more than 250,000 kms of Optical Fiber Cable across India, also they have installed more than 90,000 4G LTe towers out of which a few are ‘ Eco-Friendly’ towers.
speaking, the optical fiber cables laid by Jio has 288 individual
fibers in it, 90 at some places. Most of the others are still using the
old cables with 12 or 24 fibers in it. More fibers means, more
bandwidth, which means more speed.
It’s interesting to see that
Reliance has invested such a huge amount to make a world class
infrastructure for Jio. This is an unprecedented feat in Indian mobile
network industry. Most other companies do not lay such large amount of
cables, instead they depend on agreement with various other companies
who own fiber networks. Apart from this, Jio also have access to the
cables laid by Reliance communications.
2. The Eco-Friendly Towers
They have erected mobile towers that looks like trees. So, they blend into the surrounding helping it maintain the beauty.
3. They own two international submarine cable landing stations.
Bay of Bengal Gateway:They are part of this 8000KM long submarine fiber optic cable which connects Malaysia and Singapore to Chennai.
Asia Africa Europe One submarine cable system : They
are part of a 20000KM long cable which connects Europe to Mumbai. This
cable has 32-40 terrabit per second capacity against the Airtel’s cable
system of 3.84 tbps.
4. The only company to have 4G spectrum in all 22 zones.
Jio : 22
Airtel : 15
Idea : 10
Vodafone : 08
So as of now, they are the only company which can give 4g all over India.
5. They only have 4G
This is good for both company and users
Company can fully focus on one technology instead of maintaining 2G+3G+4G at all places.
It is cheaper as they have only one service
6. Investment
the last couple of years, JIO has already spent almost as much as the
major telecom firms, like Bharti Airtel Ltd, Idea Cellular Ltd and
Vodafone India Ltd, have spent over the past more than 20 years of being in operations.
7. BroadBand Connections to Homes ?
is not just about 4G, since they have world class infrastructure as
their backbone, its sure that they can give BroadBand to Homes
8. Digital verification, activation
is planning to make the process of getting the SIM very easy and fast.
They are planning for easy signup. Ambani said that it currently takes
about 24 hours to get the new connection active. But with Jio services,
users can get their numbers activated within 15 minutes. Jio has
implemented an e-KYC system, which allows users with Aadhar cards to get
their SIM cards instantly.